Tuesday, 4 May 2010


This famous remark, “It’s the economy, stupid!” was the remark that hung in Bill Clinton’s campaign office when he defeated George Bush in the 1992 campaign for the American presidency. It’s generally acknowledged that by putting this remark at the centre of his election strategy and sticking to it, Clinton really touched the thing that mattered for most. He got to the heart of things, and that ensured his success. The remark has resurfaced in the current British election, and its importance can scarcely be denied in the current economic chaos: the economy is the key to all else.
That is, of course, if we are dealing purely in human wisdom. The ordinary person trying to make a steady way in life with home and family, the marginalised bottom of the pile person, the person over committed to debt and the already over fat banking profiteer look at money issues above all else. Money seems to be utterly central. Who’s really got the answers to the current money problems? – that’s what we want to know.
But money (though the economic problems have to be faced) is not actually the real problem. The real problem is not managing money, but managing people! We have had scenes over the last two decades of the most unbelievable selfish greed among those who ought to have taken responsibility for national institutions, including the banks – a one million pound bonus sets up a lust for more and more. We have had scenes in which the rank and file of us all have changed from gratitude for what we have got to a rabid demand that we have a right virtually to everything, a demand unfortunately egged on by a moribund democratic process, a kind of power by popular plebiscite. We have virtually all finished up in debt, and facing a very bleak future. Add to this soaring crime and corruption and we have a scenario in which humanity has got itself into a devastating mess. Humanity is the central problem. It believes, it trusts it can get itself out of it. The prognosis is not good.
It’s all, actually, a big “wake-up” call to humanity. Somewhere, some how, some moral fibre has got to be rediscovered, some restoration of institutions that inculcate that moral fibre have to become our first priority. Or more chaos will ensue! Not much talk of that in the hustings!
“It’s the economy, stupid!” Not really! A more realistic slogan would be, “It’s humanity, stupid!”. The problem with the economy is very, very difficult. The problem with humanity is, unfortunately, impossible for humanity – only its Creator can put that right!


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  1. Hi Bob

    I very much agree with most of what you write. That there has been a failure of humanist ideology to make good the human condition. Martin Luther King came to the same conclusion in the 1960's.

    I would, however, take issue with the "soaring crime and corruption" comment. Are crime levels really that much higher? In comparison to when? Or is it the reporting and fear of crime?

    But that is just a little niggle, from a pedant.

    Best wishes


  2. From Peter Davies

    This is an accurate diagnosis. I spent most of my working life (I retired in 1998) in the financial markets in the City of London and Madrid. The issue where so many in the national workforce are employed in or aspire to using money to make money is that there is general disassociation from delivering to the customer/client an identifiable end product. That end product could be either something tangible like a newly manufactured shiny widget or intangible like a well-delivered service. So, money makes (or loses!) money in an apparent vacuum of isolation from satisfying and productive work whose activity generates a community of added value.
