Tuesday, 15 June 2010


I published a pamphlet on this website about two weeks ago which was called “A Sign of the Times – the Gentiles”. Its purpose was to demonstrate the astonishing spread of the preaching of the gospel over the last three centuries, and especially during the twentieth century, and to relate that fact to Jesus words, “This gospel will be preached in among all nations and then the end will come”. By the end of the twentieth century virtually every nation had heard the gospel preached. What remained for the fulfilment of Jesus’ prophecy was not so much a question of extension as a question of deepening. How deep was spread of the gospel to be within each nation?
Over the last twenty years much focus has been laid on the expression used in the book of Revelation that people would be found among the multitude gathered to Jesus who came from “every people and every tongue” (Rev. 7:9). This has led to a great deal of research into “people groups” within nations, groups which are distinguished very often by their own dialects or languages. The research has been undertaken not simply for interest sake but in order to focus evangelistic work on such groups where apparently the gospel has not been preached. This is seen as “in depth” work for the proper accomplishment of the work that Jesus prophesied would take place.
This has brought an awareness of the fact that much work remains to be done. Many attempts have been made, therefore, to plant churches within these national “sub groups”, and there has been much prayer for these groups. This has been a very important feature of the spread of the gospel in the last two decades.
However, (and this has sparked this blog) I have just heard of one of these sub groups in China where plans were being made plant a church, only to find that it had already been done by the Chinese themselves. It reminded me instantly of how frequently God is ahead of us. Certainly we in the West are by no means the only (or even main) force for the gospel. The words of the title of this column came immediately to mind with regard to the extent of the penetration of the gospel – “It is deeper than you think”. Jesus is massively at work right across the world. Every day is a day nearer to the fulfilment of his prophecy. It really is a time to look up!


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