Tuesday, 1 June 2010


At some point this coming week two new pamphlets will be published on the site. I will put a note to that effect on the home page when it happens. This column is by way of an introduction to those new articles.
They both appear under a new section headed "SIGNS OF THE TIMES". The first one deals with the Gentiles and the second one with the Jews. I've worked on these articles because I feel that the twentieth century has created an historical landmark which no other has since Jesus made his prophetic comments about the future. Two unprecedented historical facts have emerged in the century: first the gospel is now being preached right across the globe, and virtually to all nations; second there has been a return of the Jews from all nations to their own land. These facts are there for all to see.
Jesus made an unequivocal statement about the Gentiles: "This gospel will be preached in all the world and then the end will come" Matt. 24:14 We have no way of knowing exactly what the expression, "the fulness of the Gentiles" means and just how wide or deep the response to the gospel will be before the "end comes". But unquestionably we have reached an unmistakeable milestone in the gobal spread of the gospel. The first pamphlet deals in more detail with this and its implications.
I have a great deal of time exploring the historical facts of the Jewish return to Israel during the twentieth century. In the pamphlet on the Jews as a Sign I have made the point that the real decider of prophetic interpretation concerning the Jews will be the facts of history rather than more theological wrangling. We shall know prophecy is being fulfilled when we see it actually happening in fact. The pamphlet therefore considers a number of evident historical facts about the Jews in the last century with the suggestion that they point powerfully to an end time sign. They seem to find great resonance with Jesus' words, "Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles (fullness of the Gentiles) has come" Lk 21:24
I would particularly like to hear comment on this latter pamphlet. For me it represents an exploration on a critically important issue, and is not set in concrete. We are all straining to see what God is doing and to some extent "looking through a glass darkly", but in the twenty first century we are undoubtedly going to see some extraordinary things in prophetic fulfilment.
If you can take the time to read it and care to comment, I'd be most grateful.
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