Tuesday 17 April 2012


At the moment I am taking a bit of a break from “engaging” with the world in which we are living, so that though all sorts of things (important things) are happening in the world I am not making comments in that direction. I am offering you instead a few lines from one of my notebooks …….

“The “one person” is so important. The world with its billions of people and its infinity of need, often desperate need, creates the grave danger of us thinking that help for one person is insignificant. But we need to invest in “the one” here and “the one there” with all the compassion and commitment that we can muster. This does not mean we cannot seek to be part of something that brings relief to thousands. That is a very important thing to do. But we cannot hang around looking just for the big thing. Furthermore the big thing cannot always provide the personal loving touch which the personal "one to one" encounter can.

The love of God is not given to humanity “in general”, but to each human being individually. As the smallest, most neglected flower glorifies God, so the unseen act of genuine compassion and help for the one person also glorifies God. Most of us, most of our lives are by the smallness of our humanity obliged to produce unseen, minute acts of love, but we need to do them in the knowledge that each is wonderfully glorifying and pleasing to God.”

Why do I offer that snippet? Because it puts a focus on one of the most important things in our Christian life and witness – simple day to day acts of kindness where ever and whenever we have the opportunity to do them. The world will always have its major problems and, sure, we need to keep an eye on them and pray. We need to be aware of a big picture, but, come what may in the world, the one thing we cannot and must not neglect is the act of simple love. If the world does not see it and if it is done to the most seemingly insignificant person this is what glorifies God and constitutes our calling.

If that has been your life, your reward is sure.


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